* Presentor: Dr. Bill Casey, Executive Leadership Group Inc. and CDR J. Harding, MLCP * Presentation Objective: Present key concepts and a proven process for focusing and aligning the logistics enterprise on measurable success. * Brief Summary: Executing organizational strategy often means managing complex transformation. While there are many factors that lead to success, the foundation is measurable goals (success measures), key stakeholder alignment to those goals and an effective accountability process for ensuring goal achievement. Participants will learn a proven methodology - proven in both military and private sector organizations - for establishing this foundation. The session will include critical concepts as well as process steps, tools, and exercises that will enable attendees to (1)Develop success metrics that are measurable, indisputable and help prevent unintended negative consequences, (2) Manage a process for cascading accountability to ensure alignment up, down and across the organization, and (3) Implement a governance process that drives results-based performance and sustains organizational change.